Why it’s good to be like a tree
“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being.” – Eckhart Tolle
I have always loved trees and as a girl, I would climb and sit in them enjoying the tranquillity and loving being close to nature. I decided to write this article to show how nature is a great teacher and the important lessons we can learn, so that we can live our best lives. When you draw close to nature and observe the intricacies of a budding plant we can learn so much. I hope you find this article motivating and inspiring.
It is obvious to note that trees are beautiful to look at and their very presence decorates our landscape. Whilst writing this article I am looking out of my window looking at the trees in my garden that are lightly dusted with snow and even though their branches are barren, they are beautiful and I feel a sense of serenity just observing this scene.
Trees are generous earthly companions as they bear fruit, rubber, wood, paper and herbs which we benefit from and they give us so much more. They give us shade and protection on a hot Summer’s day, beautify our landscape and their roots irrigate the land. Trees breathe in the toxic carbon monoxide gases that we exhale and exhale oxygen, which is vital to human existence.
Research has shown that spending time in nature amongst trees helps alleviate mental fatigue, and improve memory, focus, and cognitive function. In addition, helping to reduce anxiety, and lower heart rate and blood pressure. When we hug a tree we produce a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for us feeling calm and creates emotional bonding. When hugging a tree, the hormones serotonin and dopamine make you feel happier. The list of a tree’s attributes is exhaustive and quite simply without trees, we would find it hard to live.
These are the ways that we benefit from trees through our physical existence but how are trees role models?
The trees found in woods and forests help each other. Trees help their community members as they are connected to each other through underground fungal networks. They share water and nutrients through these networks and also use them to communicate with each other. If one of the trees is failing in some way, then all the other trees respond by sending water and all that is needed for the tree’s survival. Trees teach us to look after our family, friends and people in the wider community. They also show us the value of teamwork.
“You don’t have to give every time. It’s okay for you to take some time for yourself, as well. In fact, if you want to have enough to give to others, you will need to take care of yourself first. A tree that refuses water and sunlight for itself can’t bear fruit for others.” – Emily Maroutian
We need to make ourselves a priority by putting our needs first. Self care and nurture is essential and only if we do this, will we have enough of ourselves to give to others. Self love can be done through doing things that you enjoy such as reading a book, taking a Yoga class, treating yourself to a massage, going for a walk in nature, or looking after your health by eating healthy food and exercising regularly. Trees, flowers, and plants exist regardless of what is around them. This is an important lesson that we can learn from nature.
The taller the tree the more robust the roots. Staying grounded and rooted to the earth teaches us about the power of living in the present moment. Staying present and living in the moment helps you to feel safe, in control and at peace. If you are anxious you are focused on the future, feeling depressed is a focus on the past and so living in the moment is really the best place to be. It is necessary to ground ourselves as feeling rooted means that we feel strong within ourselves.
Trees stand upright and this shows us that we need to be confident in ourselves and to hold our head up high. Like a tree we are designed to stand tall.
Trees will bend with the wind but as their roots are strong, they stand firm. If we learn to live our life going with the flow, we do not feel disappointment when life seems to take us off course in another direction. It is important to make plans but sometimes things don’t appear to be going our way, it is at this point that it is good to go with the flow, move with the course of life and not fight against it. At times, this may be challenging, but we can always learn something from every situation that we face.
Trees stand alone and just be. Just like trees we should learn to be autonomous and feel strong enough to follow our own pathway using our own voice and moral compass.
Letting go of things that we no longer need, trees let go of dead leaves. It is good to let go of the things and people that no longer serve us. When we let go, we close a door which then allows another door to open. A leaf dies and when this leaf falls away from the twig a new bud can develop. I am sure there are many, many more lessons that we can learn from trees.
When we have the courage to make changes within ourselves, the benefits are immense. I believe in making small consistent improvements. If you need any help with making changes or achieving goals, please contact me.