Are you unintentionally slowly poisoning yourself through your diet?
Are you aware that the consequences of your current diet could be causing you to become seriously ill? This process is happening so slowly that you will not notice the effects for many years until you are a mature adult. If you knew that the outcome would be premature death, would this cause you to change your eating habits? A lot of people faced with these questions will argue that they would rather ‘enjoy’ their life and eat and drink what they want. My husband and I regularly debate the fact that eating what you want is great at the time, but when it all finally catches up with you, the ten years of diabetes or heart disease or any other food-related illness and the pain associated with these ailments is not a great way to live towards the end of your life.
Human beings are omnivores which means that we are designed to eat a diet of meat, fish, vegetables, and fruit. Unlike carnivores, we are not designed to eat raw meat and if we eat a lot of raw meat this can cause us to be very unwell because quite simply, we cannot break down raw or processed meat in an efficient way. We, therefore, need to eat meat that is cooked well. Our food is digested by being efficiently broken down by first masticating with saliva and then the digestive juices in our stomachs break down the food further, sending what it doesn’t need to waste and the rest to the vital areas of our body so that we can receive its nutritional value.
Top chefs have created this ideology that the only way to present and eat meat is in its raw state and this narrative is common knowledge amongst chefs worldwide. Some TV cookery programmes, promote the narrative that meat is only best served ‘rare’ and this is obviously where some of our food problems originate. When we eat cooked meat, vegetables, and fruit, these foods are easily broken down and leave our systems as waste within 24-72 hours. However, when we eat raw or processed foods, these can linger in our bodies for up to a week. It is said that a regular meat-eater regularly has rotting meat in their digestive system. This lingering meat that can be left in our bowels is known to be a cause of cancer.
Through extremely clever marketing we are daily brainwashed through media outlets that fizzy drinks, chocolate, fast food, and processed food are treats, good for when you want to relax and the idea of a birthday without a cake is simply unimaginable. It is not only these foods that cause us harm, eating dairy is known to cause inflammation in the body and inflammation is the source of all illnesses in the body. Only four years ago I stopped eating and drinking dairy completely after visiting a nutritionist who was able to decipher why I had regular stomach aches. I am pleased to say that I do not suffer from IBS or arthritis at all since becoming vegan.
However, even though we have been educated those certain foods are not good for us, the harm has already been done and now we are all addicted and eating processed food has become normalised. So, the damage has already been done whilst the retailers line their pockets.
The reality is that there are more overweight and morbidly obese people than ever, and this is not only caused by overeating but by a lack of exercise too. In previous generations, not everyone owned a car, mostly because they couldn’t afford to run them and a lot of people regularly used public transport, bicycles, or went on foot. These days people are lazier and drive and take taxi cabs more than ever, so this contributes to the rise in obesity and heart disease.
Let's face it, the thought of going on a diet is unappealing because the diet is linked to restriction and in particular, the restriction of our favourite foods and the lack of choice in what we can eat. You may feel as though you want to reach your target weight and feel fit and alive but do not have the willpower (which by the way has never worked for me) or the inclination to follow through on a healthy food plan. We all know and have been told countless times that diets don’t work, and they don’t but what does work is making consistent healthy lifestyle choices. A choice to be healthy and eat according to the way in which we were designed to eat and live and being consistent is the key.
As a vegan and self-proclaimed healthy lifestyle fanatic, I have read countless books and articles on diet and nutrition. Through this learning, I have made a conscious decision to take care of myself through daily exercise (only about 30-40 minutes per day) and to be a healthy vegan. The decision to be healthy is a personal choice and although I watch those around me continue to justify eating food that is not good for them i.e., chocolate, milk, raw meat, and processed food and couldn’t even consider giving up cheese (fat), raw meat, milk because they like the taste of it.
These unhealthy lifestyle choices coupled with the stress of our society as we are currently a world going through a global pandemic with mental health on the decline, isn’t a sensible choice to ignore what the advertisers are saying and take responsibility for our own individual health and to also decide to take control of our stress by adding inconsistent daily exercise and learn to meditate or do mindfulness practice or breathing techniques to aid our mental health?
I can only respect people to make their own decisions but aren’t you slowly poisoning yourself?
I know the title of this article/video might seem rather dramatic, emotional, or even over the top but isn’t there an element of truth in it?
Please contact me and I will show you how to create positive practices in your health and wellbeing.