Noticing the signs

Noticing the signs

Last month I took a much-need holiday abroad.  I always use my holiday time to help me gain a fresh perspective of my life as being away from home provides the platform that I need to view my life from afar and then reflect in a way that I can’t when I am at home. With distance away, I am clearly able to take an inventory of my life and see what is working and what is not working for me and decide in which areas I need to make improvements and grow in and then make the necessary changes.

During my holiday I reflected on my career and in particular on how I can improve the services that I give and in which ways that I can offer more to my clients and in which areas I need to develop more. 

One area that I received enlightenment on was around communication and speech and the power of words. In particular how our minds receive and process words that we see around our environment and the impact these words impact on us. The deliberate use of words as ׳sign posts׳ give us consistent positive reinforcement. 

Messages placed around your home, create a positive environment to live in. 

Gift shops are laden with heart-shaped wood, china and all sorts of materials with messages such as ‘dance as if no one is watching,’ ‘I hope you know how brave, important & wonderful you always are, even if you don’t feel it’ or ‘I am enough.’ These positive gifts are created for us to put up around our homes to remind ourselves that we can feel or be anything we want to.  

Sometimes with the speed and busyness of life, we need reminding of how well we are doing so that we can feel  happy, good and encouraged to be the best version of ourselves.

Someone I know uses Post It notes placed strategically around her home with messages such as ‘I am enough’ or ‘Know your worth.’ So when she opens the fridge or opens a drawer there is a message inside with a positive affirmation to read.  

I personally like to label the folders in my mobile phone with positive affirmations so instead of ‘Utilities’ my folder reads ‘I am in balance.’  After a while the messages that we place around us become subliminal but the messages are still received.

On my holiday this year, I bought two simple pieces of artwork to decorate my home with. Both pieces of artwork that I chose were designed in both Hebrew and Arabic calligraphy. I don’t speak either of these languages but I was drawn by the appearance of the shapes of the words. On a spiritual level, they resonated with me. When I asked the shopkeeper about their meanings I discovered that these phrases are synonymous with where I am in my life.

The words that were contained on the artworks were:

As I speak I create

As big as your dreams are, the Earth will accommodate

I not only enjoy looking at these pieces of artwork but I love the fact that they bring the vibration of the country of their origins, the spiritual elevation from the energy of the words and also the positivity into my home. 

Sometimes we need positive encouragement and by putting up these positive affirmations and signs around our home, we can remind ourselves to be happy, feel worthy and to grow as positive, fulfilled  and happy individuals.

If you would like to discover more about reaching your potential or you would like support in reaching your goals, please feel free to reach out to me.


Friendship - the only way to have a friend is to be one!


9 Positive actions for wellbeing